About Me

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I am an artist, a wife, a mother, a friend, a deviant and a special education teacher. I say artist first because I cease to be sane if i don't work on my art, seriously, I have to go into therapy... My work is an evolution of my experiences and philosophy. It spans multiple mediums and subjects, most recently focusing on the balance of expression and form. I spend a lot of time on chaos theory and macro/micro theory. The theory of balance and entropy in the universe fuels my inspiration. I love movies and philosophy, sometimes spiraling into deep conversations about both. These are my musings and thoughts, as well as insight into my artistic process and my work View more at: GoldenSpiralDesigns.deviantart.com redbubble.com/people/caitlinpadilla

Sunday, July 24, 2011

oh, those summer nights

we have been in a drought for so long, this week has brought beautiful, big, fat, pancake drops to quench our thirst! i love it. i was sitting on the porch just watching the rain pool and slide off the roof. it was amazing. it took ten minutes to cool the air twenty degrees. i felt so full of love and calmness. i sat in the warm embrace of a kindred soul, drinking up the love that was given to me. i have had moments lately where and when i have been completely at peace. falling into a soft sweaty embrace, laughing till i can't think, all of this is much more meaningful that any professional development or training that i have ever had. the summer has brought so much more than heat, it has brought awakening, confusion, lust, and reflection. i dont know where i'm going, but i am having a blast getting there.

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