About Me

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I am an artist, a wife, a mother, a friend, a deviant and a special education teacher. I say artist first because I cease to be sane if i don't work on my art, seriously, I have to go into therapy... My work is an evolution of my experiences and philosophy. It spans multiple mediums and subjects, most recently focusing on the balance of expression and form. I spend a lot of time on chaos theory and macro/micro theory. The theory of balance and entropy in the universe fuels my inspiration. I love movies and philosophy, sometimes spiraling into deep conversations about both. These are my musings and thoughts, as well as insight into my artistic process and my work View more at: GoldenSpiralDesigns.deviantart.com redbubble.com/people/caitlinpadilla

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


so i felt better today, i am working on a new piece, it follows the sunflower/ galaxy work, some examples of this are at http://CaitlinGPadilla.imagekind.com/, if anyone reads this and is curious. i talked to my friends about forgiveness and healing. i think those are important. i can only learn if i can forgive myself, anyway... moving on

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