rose, nam toe, s'est leve, stieg, e aumentato, levantou-se, se levanto. it still smells like a rose. god, a higher being, something else, someone else... something more. yahweh, allah, elohim, ishvara, achama
n, deus, vishnu, krishna-vasudeva, dio, gott, dios, lord. the basic tenets are the same. i take inspiration from bill and ted: be excellent to each othe
r. it is so simple, yet so difficult for some. karma. do unto others. don't covet thy neighbor's ass. we have lost sight of the allegory of religion. reasoning and literalism. metaphor people! how is a raven like a writing desk? much of philosophy is based on proving the existence of god. religion though is based on faith. our reasoning cannot prove that god exists any more than it can prove the existence of love. feelings can be boiled down to electrical impulses and binary functions of the brain, but not the outcome of those impulses. when you hear mozart, or britany spear
s, or led zeppelin, or keith urban you undoubtedly feel something. the song does not change, only our perception. each of these people, i am sure, illicits an emotional response. good, bad, what have you. yet there is no proof that any of these people should ellicit any emotional response.
why do we feel something when these images are put infront of us? what about logic? why did i pick that image of a rose? does it change what we believe?

why do we feel something when these images are put infront of us? what about logic? why did i pick that image of a rose? does it change what we believe?